武汉疫情 + 美国流感



以上两种情形,这种保健品可以帮助你:美国花旗参。这话不是我说的,也不是他/她说的,是美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)说的。NIH 旗下的国家补充与替代医学中心(National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health)官网综述了 Ginseng,下面又专门列出了 “American Ginseng” 「美国花旗参」,发布在美国卫生部旗下 Medline Plus 官网,原文在这里: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/967.html.


其他绝大部分常见的花旗参商家或中医宣传功效,NIH 认为要么是「可能无效」,要么是「证据不足」。只有两种功效列为 “possibly effective”「可能有效」,其中之一就是「呼吸道感染」。原文如下:

Respiratory tract infections. Some research suggests that taking a specific American ginseng extract called CVT-E002 (Cold-FX, Afexa Life Sciences, Canada) 200-400 mg twice daily for 3-6 months during flu season might prevent cold or flu symptoms in adults between the ages of 18 and 65. People older than 65 seem to need a flu shot at month 2 along with this treatment in order to decrease their risk of getting the flu or colds. This extract also seems to help make symptoms milder and last a shorter length of time when infections do occur. Some evidence suggests that the extract might not reduce the chance of getting the first cold of a season, but it seems to reduce the risk of getting repeat colds in a season. However, it might not help prevent cold or flu-like symptoms in patients with weakened immune systems.

大意:一些研究表明,在流感季节期间,每天两次服用西洋参提取物,持续3-6个月,可以预防18-65岁成年人的感冒或流感症状。65岁以上的人群,似乎需要在服用的第2个月打流感疫苗,二者同时进行,方可降低流感或感冒的风险。 这种提取物似乎也可以帮助减轻症状、并提前康复。一些证据表明,该花旗参提取物可能不会减少一个季节初次感冒的风险,但似乎会减少此后再次患病的风险。但是,对于免疫系统较弱的患者,它可能无助于预防感冒或类似流感的症状。

鉴于这是美国卫生部门官网自己写的综述文章(不是其他研究机构受商家资助、可能带有利益关系的「研究」),能讲到这份上已经不错了。你去看看 NIH 官网类似的其他文章,绝大部分常见保健品的功效都是「证据不足」,能被 NIH 认为「可能有效」的保健品功效寥寥无几。保健品不是药物,没有任何保健品「肯定有效」。


在 “Are there interactions with medications?”「花旗参与其他药物的反应」一节中,NIH 表示,若你在服用降低免疫力的药物,要慎用花旗参,因为花旗参会增强免疫力,从而使你服用的「降低免疫力」的药物失效。为什么会有人服用「降低免疫力」的药物呢?比如说,病人做了器官移植,身体的免疫系统会排斥「不明外来物体」,从而产生严重的并发症,所以他们需要暂时降低免疫系统的强度。


NIH 对此的说明原文如下:

American ginseng can increase the immune system. Taking American ginseng along with some medications that decrease the immune system might decrease the effectiveness of these medications.

Some medications that decrease the immune system include azathioprine (Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3 (OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept), tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune), prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), and other corticosteroids (glucocorticoids).
